to Aug 8

Body Positive Group

Body shame... body hate.... Body image issues are driven by the Beauty Culture of our society, and used to convince people that they are not good enough, not whole.

The accepted norm for body shape, size, color, age, and ability is a very narrow band in the spectrum of human existence. We get caught up in trying to measure up, but if we are all focused on an unobtainable goal, then we are never going to be able to focus on being happy or cultivating our own well-being. This keeps us isolated and separate from those around us, and can drive many of us to hate our bodies and, because society ties our bodies to our worth, can cause us to devalue ourselves.

This group is typically a structured weekly group, which addresses a different aspect of body image/body positivity each week. The weekly topics are usually chosen by group members during the first session, with some guidance by the facilitator(s).

This group is designed to create a safe environment in which to explore how self-esteem and self-worth are deeply affected by these societal norms, and how to begin to break free from society's, and our own internalized, oppressions on our bodies.

The group will be held on Friday evenings from 5:30-7:30. Cost is $20/session or $140 for all 8 weeks. RSVP to Jennifer@YouUnfolding.com or Shannonsolietherapy@gmail.com

Facilitator websites:

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite or through the facilitators: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/body-positivity-group-tickets-11742581377

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6:30 PM18:30

Intimacy and communication workshop

We will discuss and explore what intimacy is. How to create, build, and maintain intimacy within all relationships. How to repair intimacy in relationships where rupture has occurred. This 2 hour workshop will cover how to enter into intimacy with another person, be they lover, partner, friend, child, parent or relative.


Tickets available here

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